“You cannot give love or receive love without being changed in some way, no matter how small, no matter if you want or welcome the change Love brings.” So profoundly true.

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Feb 9Liked by June Caedmon

This young boy's reply really touches my heart, June. Thank you for sharing this and pointing out the important truth that listening has so much to do with loving our neighbor. Love and blessings to you!

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Feb 9Liked by June Caedmon

'We can never hope to understand and accept someone if we don’t first listen to them.'


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This is soo good and powerful. I love that love changes us. I love that our God embodies loves, that He shows us His love in so many varying ways, including listening to us. He listens to our hearts, our thoughts, our motives...and even with all that knowledge, He still loves us. It's humbling and liberating to bask in His love.

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